15/01/15 Steve Jobs , Tutorial , Writing

From the brain to the page in three steps.

Where does an illustration begin?
For me, it starts with an image in my head; the finished image, hovering beautifully in my mind’s eye. Then it’s just a simple matter of translating the incandescent glory of that ideal image, through my hands, via pen and mouse, to become solid – or digital – reality. Easy! Continue reading

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From the brain to the page in three steps.
15/01/15 Design , Illustration

Danny the (trainee) Demon part 2

What has gone before, on Danny the [trainee] demon…
In my previous post,  I showed you the storyboard, sketch and finished image of  a selected spread from ‘Danny the [trainee] demon’, a children’s book I wrote and illustrated a year or two ago. In this post I’ll be showing you the same process with a spread from further on in the book. Why? Well, as another helpful example of how how my ideas make the tortuous journey from my brain to glorious completion. As I’ve stated previously, this is how the process works for me – but I hope you also find it useful, yet entertaining.
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Danny the (trainee) Demon part 2
15/01/15 Illustration , iPad , Star Trek

What my white iPad says about me. And you.

It seems like a small difference, whether your iPad or iPhone is black or white.

Surely the content is what really matters? All those apps you download, all that browsing, tweeting and facebook posting you do – it doesn’t make any difference if you do them from a white device or a black device. Does it? Actually, yes.

What you actually look at is between you and your mobile device. However, the colour of that mobile device is what the rest of the world sees. And your choice of colour says something to them – and something about you.
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What my white iPad says about me. And you.
13/01/15 iPhone , Star Trek

Billy the puppy has it all figured out

I’ve come to the conclusion that my new puppy has got it all figured out.

Every day Billy gets up, stretches, shakes out his fur, ambles over to his food bowl and eats what’s in there.

He doesn’t wash, doesn’t clean his teeth. Doesn’t choose clothes or even care what the weather is. He doesn’t check Facebook every half hour or get excited about the next iPad launch.
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Billy the puppy has it all figured out
11/01/15 Star Trek , Steve Jobs , Writing

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Continue reading

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Hello world!